The Charter of the Company is as follows:

Members of the Company define themselves as Christian schools in terms of this Charter and the Statement of Faith.  A Christian school is a Christ-centred and Biblically based educational community, therefore:

  1. the Lordship of Christ is foundational in all its teaching and learning;
  2. its governors acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, and formulate policies and make decisions prayerfully, in dependence on the wisdom of God and in the light of Biblical principles;
  3. it is committed to implement policy to support the principle that an essential characteristic of a Christian school is the employment of staff members who acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour;
  4. it acknowledges that parents are mandated by God to bring their children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, and have the prime responsibility for the education of their children.  It also accepts that parents, the church and the State may all exercise legitimate roles in the operation of schools in such ways that parents may with integrity fulfil their responsibility under God;
  5. its students are valued as God’s image-bearers;
  6. its members are encouraged to love each other as Christ loves them
  7. it cooperates with other Christian schools in order that God’s Kingdom may be advanced; and
  8. in accordance with Biblical principles it maintains the highest standards of moral, ethical and financial practice, operates within applicable government requirements; and is accountable for its operation.

Download our Charter of Membership
