Congratulations CSA | Winner of iMIS Great Things Award for Website Implementation

26 October 2021

CSA is thrilled to have been recently awarded with an ASI Great Things award (Asia-Pacific) for the implementation of a holistic and integrated member engagement system, consisting of an iMIS database, website and RiSE content management system. The award was accepted virtually in mid-September and a short 4-min ‘success story’ was created by the project team (Sum Lock, Trudy Figueroa and Tanya Pampuch) for ASI’s future marketing and promotional use. CSA has received ‘ASI Dollars’ to be used on software as part of the award.

Christian Schools Australia partnered with Causeis to design and develop their iMIS website. From the beginning of their project, the CSA team realised the entire website would centre and focus on the member. Whether it was to improve their user experience, visibility of member benefits, networking and accessing the member community – every single design element and functional decision was about the member. Causeis was thrilled to work with the CSA to design and deliver an exceptional digital presence to enable their association's strategy and member experience."

Michelle Lempsis | Managing Director, Causeis

We were acutely aware that our membership required a more contemporary technology platform that would provide an exceptional user experience and set us up for new and innovative ways to engage our members in the future. We were pleased to be able to work with Causeis to design, develop, and implement this project.

The implementation of the CSA website has allowed it to be accessible across desktop and mobile devices with a responsive design. The team at Causeis were instrumental in bringing to life our Resource Library. Members are easily able to find resources and having them housed in our resource library has been one of the major benefits of CSA's digital transformation. View the Causeis success story with CSA.

The website has a modern fresh approach to ensure that our members are engaged in the content, services and benefits on offer to them. 

The CSA Digital team is to be congratulated on their exceptional efforts. CSA were the only Australian organisation to receive this award. Other award recipients were from NZ, USA and the UK.

You can view the 45-second ASI announcement.

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