Webinar: VIC Change/Suppression (Conversion) Practices Act

Webinar: VIC Change/Suppression (Conversion) Practices Act

Victorian Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Act and practical implications for Christian schools

The Victorian Change or Suppression Practices legislation affects a range of activities (like teaching, counselling and prayer) which relate to a person's sexual orientation or gender identity. But religious schools can still teach their beliefs about sexual morality, including the value of sexual abstinence until marriage. 

This practical webinar will discuss which activities of Christian schools and teachers are permitted, which are prohibited and which are in the grey zone and how schools can manage the risk of civil and criminal liability for their own conduct and that of staff and volunteers.

The webinar is relevant for School Leaders of all levels, Wellbeing Leaders, Chaplains, Counsellors, Christian Studies Coordinators, all Teachers and staff responsible for training/inducting volunteers.

Your event confirmation in the days leading up to the event will include all the details you will need to join online.


Mark Sneddon: Director, Sneddon Legal & Consulting and the Institute for Civil Society

Mark is a lawyer, advocate and compliance and policy consultant with over 30 years experience in human rights and discrimination law, commercial, fintech, financial services and government services law. He is Director of Sneddon Legal and Consulting Pty Ltd where he practises law and acts for a range of religious organisations, schools and colleges. He is also the Executive Director of the Institute for Civil Society think tank (www.i4cs.com.au) which has advocated for 7 years to promote freedoms of expression, association, conscience and religion in our pluralist culture. Previously Mark worked as Crown Counsel to the Victorian Attorney-General, as a partner at Clayton Utz for 12 years and as an Associate Professor of Law at the University of Melbourne. Mark is married with two sons and lives in Melbourne and is a member of St Alfreds Anglican Church in Blackburn.

Keep an eye out for your event confirmation two days prior to the event for your 'join online' details.

Qualify for CPD Hours

At the conclusion of this event, a certificate of professional learning will be made available to attendees for self-accreditation via your member dashboard. The following standards will be addressed.

AITSL professional teacher standards: 
»  1.3 Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds 
»  4.4 Maintain student safety 
»  6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice 
»  6.4 Apply professional learning and improve student learning 
»  7.1 Meet professional ethics and responsibilities 
»  7.2 Comply with legislative, administrative and organisational requirements
»  7.3 Engage with the parents/carers

Christian Distinctive Professional Standards for Teachers:
»  4A Application of a Biblical understanding of community, people, human flourishing, justice and discipleship into policy and practice
»  7B Contributes to the development of distinctive Christian practice in the school, profession and wider community


Tuesday, 26 March 2024
3:45pm - 5:00pm AEDT
via Zoom
1.25 CPD Hours
Members only event
RSVP by 25-March-2024