P-2 Curriculum Collaboration Day

P-2 Curriculum Collaboration Day

This QLD Prep to Year 2 Curriculum Collaboration day is for curriculum leaders and teachers to share the collective expertise and perspectives of multiple educators from across CSA QLD member schools. Curriculum days have been developed in response to a stated desire to start connecting our curriculum leaders and teachers to colleagues in same or similar contexts across member schools. It is based on the premise that everyone has something of value to share and learn.

This curriculum day is for curriculum leaders and teachers of Prep to Year 2.

Accessing the Venue on the Day

Please note that this PD will be held in the top floor of the Hospitality Centre in room C2 (see 'Event' below). Attendees who are familiar with the College are welcome to go straight to the building, or if not, please drop in to the Admin Office, which is in 'Nissi' and directions will be given. Please refer to the map, below for your reference.

Event Information

There are 3 goals for the day:

  1. To share collective wisdom, knowledge and experience specific to the curriculum focus area.
  2. To walk away with units designed, curriculum planned, and assessment thought through. 
  3. To have connected with other schools and have at least one teacher from another school that a curriculum leader and/or teacher can connect with. 

The event is ideally suited to Curriculum Leaders and Teachers.

Registration for the event includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea, as well as materials needed for the event. We are grateful to the team from Heights College for hosting the event and for their hospitality.

How to Register

To register for this event, simply click on the Register Now button and follow the prompts. Once you have registered, you will receive an email confirming your registration (please note this may also end up in your junk mailbox).

During registration, you will be able to provide information around your travel arrangements to Rockhampton, particularly if you are coming in from other parts of Queensland. If there are enough coming in the night before, we may also arrange a social gathering to share fellowship over a meal.

Program Outline

An outline of the program is provided below:

  • Introduction to the purpose of the day, collaborate and share
  • Introductions around the table, Who’s Who?
  • Open discussion on the pressures of the year level. This time will be used to focus the work and develop the priority for the day. This will be supported by a quick pre-day survey.
  • Develop the priorities, what needs to be worked on? Maths? English? Assessment?
  • Depending on the size of the group, we will break into smaller teams to work on units/assessment, etc.

Please note this program is subject to change.


Bianca Vieiro

Bianca is the Director of Teaching and Learning and Head of Mathematics and Science at Caloundra Christian College. Bianca is an experienced educator, with a particular passion for curriculum, and integrating a biblical worldview authentically into curriculum planning and delivery. In 2023 Bianca achieved her Lead Teacher Accreditation leading a team of science teachers to teach Science in a Christian school with an authentic Christian perspective using Gods Big Story (GBS) Framework, linked with an inquiry focus and explicit teaching format to improve scientific literacy and numeracy, which will in turn improves scientific application i.e. “working scientifically”.

Todd Langford

Todd has been a teacher for over 25 years. He has served in roles such as Head of Department, Head of Curriculum, Head of Teaching and Learning. He has experience in curriculum roles with QCAA and was a member of the CSA Curriculum Action Group. In his current role at Mueller College he oversees the teaching and Learning Program at Mueller College and is directly involved in the implementation of Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum in 2024 across the school.

This event is hosted by Andrew Taylor, Executive Officer, QLD.

Qualify for CPD Hours

At the conclusion of this event, a certificate of professional learning,  for self-accreditation, will be made available to participants, via your member dashboard. The event will address the following AITSL standards and Christian Distinctive Focus areas: 

AITSL Professional Teacher and Leadership Standards:
»  2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area
»  2.2 Content selection and organisation
»  2.3 Curriculum, assessment and reporting
»  2.4 Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians
»  2.5 Literacy and numeracy strategies
»  3.1 Establish challenging learning goals
»  3.2 Plan, structure and sequence learning programs
»  3.3 Use teaching strategies
»  3.4 Select and use resources 
»  5.1 Assess student learning
»  5.3 Make consistent and comparable judgements
»  5.5 Report on student achievement
»  6.2 Engage in Professional Learning and Improve Practice
»  6.3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice
»  7.4 Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities

Christian Distinctive Focus Areas:
»  2A Knowledge of the Bible as it relates to content and the teaching of the content
»  2B Understand the philosophical framework(s) influencing the ways in which content is framed and the ways in which a Christian perspective may be taught to students
»  3A Integration of a Christian perspective throughout content, programs and teaching strategies
»  5A Application of Christian ethos to assessment practices
»  6A Engage in professional learning which aids the development of a philosophy of Christian Education based in Biblical principles

Want to learn more about the CSA Christian Distinctive Focus areas? Click here.

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations must be made in writing to the Event Organiser. As this event is provided at no cost, please consider giving as much time as possible if a cancellation of your registration is to be made. This will help us with catering for the event.

The event program is subject to change and we may not be able to provide prior notice.

Proudly Hosted by:

Monday, 04 March 2024
8:30am - 3pm
Heights College
276 Carlton Street
North Rockhampton QLD 4701
6 CPD Hours
Members only event
RSVP by 16-February-2024