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Submission Lodged to Review of QLD Human Rights Act

Submission Lodged to Review of QLD Human Rights Act


A joint submission was lodged by Christian School groups to the Independent Review of the QLD Human Rights Act highlighting the concerns of religious schools in relation to the Act and its current application.

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9/07/2024 12:00:00 AM
Meetings with QLD Attorney-General and Shadow

Meetings with QLD Attorney-General and Shadow


CSA representatives together with colleagues from other Christian School groups met with the Queensland Attorney-General and Shadow Attorney-General earlier this week.

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4/07/2024 12:00:00 AM
Amendments to Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act

Amendments to Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act


QLD Attorney-General has introduced a bill that makes a number of amendments to the Anti-Discrimination Act, but doesn’t include the full suite of previously proposed amendments.

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17/06/2024 12:00:00 AM
Queensland Government Deaf to People of Faith

Queensland Government Deaf to People of Faith


Joint Media Release from AACS, ACS and CSA. Detailed and genuine concerns expressed by faith leaders, and supported by Christian schools, have been dismissed by the Premier and Queensland Government according to reports in the media today.

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7/05/2024 2:00:00 PM
Submission on QLD Draft Anti-Discrimination Bill

Submission on QLD Draft Anti-Discrimination Bill


CSA and AACS have made a joint submission on the QLD Anti-Discrimination Bill 2024. The Bill is very concerning.

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22/03/2024 11:00:00 PM
Draft Anti-Discrimination Bill Released for Consultation

Draft Anti-Discrimination Bill Released for Consultation


This afternoon the Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General released the draft new Anti-Discrimination Bill 2024. Christian schools should be very concerned.

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1/03/2024 11:00:00 PM
Strengthening Queensland Child Safety Protections

Strengthening Queensland Child Safety Protections


The Queensland Government is consulting on strengthened protections for child safety, including the introduction of a reportable conduct scheme.

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28/08/2023 9:00:00 AM
Update on Changes to Queensland Discrimination Laws

Update on Changes to Queensland Discrimination Laws


Christian school representatives met with both the Government and Opposition in relation to the proposed changes to the Anti-Discrimination Act earlier today.

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24/08/2023 11:00:00 PM